Simplifying Investing and Money Management for Everyone

A financial website focused on helping people make better investment and financial decisions by providing relevant and easy-to-understand information.

Company: Project Date: May 2021

Screenshot of The future millionaire on a macbook


The Covid-19 pandemic made most people realize how vital investing and good money management is. To survive the next crisis without going bankrupt, they needed to learn how to invest and manage their money better.

The Challenge

Many people want to know how to manage their money better and grow their wealth. But they don’t know where to start and feel that many financial websites make investing and personal money management very intimidating. This is especially true in my country Kenya.


I wanted to create a very approachable website that provided simplified financial information to those less financially savvy who were seeking to grow their wealth. Even though my target market is Kenya, I wanted to ensure most people understood the financial principles.

My Role

I handled User Research, Wireframing and Prototyping, Visual Design, Content Creation, and the Web Development of the website.

The Website

During my research, I discovered that many financial websites used plenty of financial jargon, which left users confused. This made it even more intimidating and made them feel that certain types of investing are for people with financial degrees.

To overcome this, I wanted to create a more friendly and approachable financial website by focusing on these four key areas:

Simple Focused Design

My research found that many personal finance websites have a lot going on. The websites had pop-ups, multiple advertisements on a single page, etc. These were distracting and confusing to users who ended up leaving the websites before reading the content.

For the Future Millionaire website, I wanted to create a simple, clean design focused on the content to avoid any likely distractions to the user.

Partial screenshot of the future millionaire homepage


I wanted to use big images of everyday people throughout the website.

The main reason for doing this was to make it comfortable for the less financially savvy users not to be intimidated by the serious look of the website and some of the relatively long content.

screenshot of the money watch landing page

Simplified Content

A big goal of the website is to present easy-to-understand information for everyone. This meant using simple non-jargon language to communicate ideas, strategies, and tips.

I also wanted to break down concepts into something my target audience can easily relate to.

Screenshot of a blog post on the future millionaire website


On top of the simplified content, I went to great lengths to make sure the typography made it easy for users to read the articles on the website. This went hand in hand with the simple, focused design.

screenshot of about page -The future millionaire

Final Note

Future millionaire has been very well received. Users loved the simplicity in the design and the vibrant colours, and the most important part is that they loved the content and how it easily breaks down investing and money management.

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