One thing that has been on my mind this year has been about knowledge and how to share it. I have been fortunate throughout my career to have people pour into me their knowledge and wisdom either directly or indirectly.
And this year, I felt that it was time to give back. I started by setting up regular 30 mins design mentorship sessions to help the next generation of designers. This turned out to be more successful and exciting than I had anticipated.
But something else has been on my mind during this whole Covid-19 pandemic period.
Like many people, I was placed on unpaid leave as a result of the pandemic. This made me realise how much I depended on the next paycheck to pay my bills.
So with lots of time in my hands, I took a deep look at my finances. I began to think of what I could have done better and what I have to do so the next crisis would not catch me unprepared.
During this time, I talked to many people and heard stories about how tough it was for them. And many had no idea of the steps to take that would help them become more prepared in the future. So I knew that I needed to do something.
I decided to use my skills as a designer and the knowledge that I had received over the years to create a platform where people can find real, practical and easy to understand info they need to help them get started.

And this is where the Future Millionaire was born.
I chose the words future millionaire because it is an aspirational goal and many people think of financial freedom as being a millionaire
As for the future plans, I would love to create partnerships or networks with certified financial advisors, bloggers, financial services providers, investment brokers etc so that together we can help change the financial destiny of as many people as we can.
You can visit the website here